JH100 Project
JH100 = Jánoshegy 100 times
Project Goal: 100 times ‘pilgrimage’ in 2009
In 2009 i figured out a spectacular (and kinda popular:) project: getting up to the top of János-hill (~552m high) at least 100 times until the 31th of December. 100 times a year means that nearly every third day i needed to do climb up to the top of the mountain. It’s a kind of spiritual and mental pilgrimage, mind clean-up session, challenge and relaxation for me at the same time. To materialize the memories and experience of this rather unique project, i had to take a photo at the goal destination point. From the same place, towards the same scenery – and the hungarian flag itself – all the 100 times! ; )
Details of the route
The overall distance is about 3 km from my home to the top of the lookout tower of Jánoshegy (named Elisabeth’s Lookout Tower). So it’s 6 km total each time. About 382 meters vertical distance. I count one climbing-up as 1% of the project. So it completes, when i collect all the 100%. It’s quite a diversely varying hiking path. It has flat parts and fairly advanced, tricky parts to walk and climb. It was a blast. It’s such an interesting experience to try the SAME waking path in the winter, with 30-40 cm high freshly fallen snow and the same in the middle of summer, super dry (no, not the brand ; ), dusty tracks with massively burning sunshine, sweating it up without wearing a t-shirt..
If you just stay in one place and keep your eyes open
So i took that photo from the top of the lookout tower each of the 100 times. Consistently from the very same viewpoint, just like Harvey Keiter (‘Auggie’) in the movie: “Smoke” (1995) ( >>>..worth to watch it., one of my all time favs tho).
“People say you have to travel to see the world,” Auggie says. “Sometimes I think that if you just stay in one place and keep your eyes open, you’re going to see just about all that you can handle.”
When a friend comments that all the snapshots Auggie took looks the same alike, Auggie starts to point out the differences: the light, the season, and the look on people’s faces. Auggie gets into the details. “It’s all a matter of slowing down and appreciating people (and all the things) for their individuality”.
Again, better you watch the movie! 🙂 ..
The spectacular part
Below you can see, how many faces & atmospheres a ‘simple’ location can have:

At the end of the entire project i calculated, that the distance i walked, and climbed is equals to the things below:

The 100th jamboree
The 100th pilgrimage towards the top of the János hill was a semi-official gathering and celebration. 🙂 With a solid team of core friends / supporters of the main idea. Although the temperature was quite below zero, the team had succeeded with getting up to the top without any major losses, haha.. At the end (as a reward (beside the mulled-wine portions)), we catch the sunshine through the fog, from the top of the lookout tower. Priceless experience!
“Friend-typo” reward
To put another spectacular crown on the Project, my good friends used themselves for writing out the “100%” calligraphy to my honor. By creating a fine & special “human live-typo:

And we repeated it in 2011 as well.. seems it has became a tradition..:

My final ‘prescription’ for Everyone
The same place, the same route every time, but you never find it the same at all. Unique experience. I encourage you to set out, try it out.
…to achieve your Personal Pilgrimage…
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