As 2016. the year of monkey passed, here is my annual personal food intake statistics of all the food and drinks i consumed during this crazy but great year. Let’s say it is 99% punctual. I revised all my meals and beverage photos to input the figures into this chart one by one.
Let’s crunch some numbers 🙂
What we got:
4152 food and drink items i consumed (took photo of each)
11,3 food item per day in average i consumed
7,4 Gigabyte is the size of all this photo-data in 2016.
Summing It up
My year of 2016. in terms of nutrition and eating habits was promising! I can tell i’m still constantly improving and adopting more pure-, more healthy lifestyle and less waste. My food waste ratio is already near zero %.
For instance the last box of spoiled milk i threw out was more than 2 years ago i think 😀 Keep it (c)Lean! Take what we need and Enjoy what we take!
I generally increased my spinach, almond, broccoli, tuna, salmon, cocoa (85%+ dark chocolate) tofu, soya, oat, parmesan cheese and water intake. Still drinking loads of milk, but i drink less for the (over)night time. I feel good! ^^
Also i ‘quit’ drinking protein shakes this year meanwhile still kept improving my body and muscles as a whole, so guys, you can think it twice too. 😉
A bit(e) of insight:

Now let’s see how my system works it out in 2017…%) Cheers!